Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Latte Scars = SEXY!

It is FINALLY SUMMER TYME! This is my favorite season. I finally have a reason to wear my "summer pants" as Mother likes to call them. I just call them "Lime-Green Skin Pants".

I'd like to say that i hope everyone likes them, but honestly, i just care about Alice these days. Alice Adamson. SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN SCHOOL.

She is just my type of girl! She wears glasses, is so pale that most kids call her "the albino", and LOVES to make art! While i am mostly into Collage, and "crafty" arts, she is more of a performance artist. She works mostly with her nude body, rubber bands, and shredded documents she finds in the dumpster behind school.

I saw her perform a piece last month at the Javaaaaahh Coffee Den and Copy Shop, and all three people in the audience, (minus the barista, she wouldn't know what art was if it tapped her on the shoulder and said, "hey, stop with the espresso, and look at that art!") were completely BLOWN AWAY!

The rubber bands she arranged on her bottom to spell "HONKEYNIGGER" was INCREDIBLE, even if some said it was "just plain confusing". (The barista!)

Whatever the barista THINKS! , if Alice had never spilled her latte, her performance Would have been flawless! As it was, she will definately have some scarring.

I CAN NOT WAIT to see if she notices the Skin Pants tomorrow. Maybe i'll spell out "HONKEYNIGGER" in some puffy paint on the back to make sure?


Alekx said...

Wow we have the same summer pants
Maybe we should go to the skate park together

Burfica said...

OoOo you and alekx must be bootiliscious in your skin pants together. hehehehe