Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Damn disturbingly lifelike utters!

Sorry people!! it's been so long since you have been updated on my life!

Well, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE WONDERING! AND YES! THE ANSWER IS YES!! Alice and I have been officially BF and GF for 2 WEEKS NOW!


It is going very well. We have so much fun due to our common interests!! We both LOVE world music, love Carnie movies, and we both express ourselves through our art.

Like last tuesday, as Mother was driving to The Tattler Too, she dropped us off at Al's Burger Barn for some performance art! Here's how it went.

We show up during the lunch rush. Al's is very popular, THEY HAVE AMAZING EVERYTHING BURGERS! So alice starts taking off her clothes, and once she's completely naked, she opens a bag of shredded documents soaked in mineral spirits. I already had my "Cow with Disturbingly Lifelike Utters" costume on under my Lilo and Stitch Jogging Suit.

So i strip down, and after i ring my cowbell to get the attention of the patrons, I spell "FILL YOUR BUNS WITH TOFU!" in ketchup on Alice's bare bottom, as she lights her bag of shredded documents.

Meanwhile, i have started shooting all the loyal customers in the face with the milk i filled my Supersoaker with.

IT WAS AMAZING. I think most of the patrons appreciated our expression. Except this one guy named Al. As i was running away from him, my utters got caught on the Ketchup Kaddy, and well, i've had trouble peeing since then.


TJ said...

Good to hear from you again, Michel. Be careful peeing!

Michel Johansen said...

Good to hear from you too Thomas Jackson!

Alekx said...

I must admit I'm a bit jealous because I wanted to be your girlfriend.
and I found writing out on her bare bottem quite stimulating.

Alas I'm sorry to hear about the peeing thing

Michel Johansen said...

Performanc art (and let's not forget COLLAGE!) can be a very moving experience Alekxxx!

Tim said...

Alice must have a pretty big bottom if you can write "FILL YOUR BUNS WITH TOFU" on it in ketchup.

Michel Johansen said...

it is sizable.

Anonymous said...

Damn Michel, you sound like a performance art pro! When's your next "performance?" Maybe rolling into Starbucks with pounds of rotten coffee? Or how about throwing tomatoes at a McDonalds... the possibilities are endless....

Michel Johansen said...

Well, MR. ALAN FAN!! (long time no see!!) it's actually gonna be some sort of reenactment done in the middle of a busy road.

Unknown said...

I have NO idea why I am laughing. But I am.

Paul said...

Damn you Tim! You stole my comment!