Friday, August 26, 2005

Carnie Family Reunion = 6 Stars!!!

WOW! just finished watching another spectacular Carnie movie! . . . CARNIE FAMILY REUNION!

I won't go into the whole thing, but there was this great part where Momma Carnie is making fun of "The Strongest Man in the Universe" at dinner by wearing her daughter's leotard, holding her breath and crushing saltines in-between her knees. IT'S HILARIOUS until she pulls her groin muscle and puts a real damper on the rest of their vacation, cause cooking was painful and they hadn't even started making the scalloped potatoes and frito pie they were signed up to bring to the reunion!


SO much better than CARNIE INCEST (do not see this movie ever.)

There was this other great part where once the family gets to the picnic shelter for the reunion, the Carnie son wants to go play a game called "Farmer Cornhole" with his cousin, but his dad said it was almost time for the awards, and Poppa Carnie was up for the "Traveled the Furtherest" plaque. And, well, the son told Poppa he didn't care, which brought up a lot of emotions for the father since he was abandoned at ten and raised by six species of animals over what is believed to be a seven year period.

Plus, Poppa Carnie was worried it was the kind of game played without pants.


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