Tuesday, August 16, 2005

introducing . . . FUEGO RON!

WOW! Alice and I just got back from a rousing performance from a band called TESLA! Apparently they used to “rock” but now they just play a show at Sampson’s Roller-Rama on Tuesdays.

This was the first time that Alice and I went to a rocking and rolling show, so I wanted to make sure that Alice was not embarrassed by me!

Ever since last week, when I wore my Lilo and Stitch Jogger to CreamTown, she’s been writing me letters suggesting that, if I don’t stop wearing cartoon character based clothing, that she will “never speak to me again in public.”

Once i read that letter, I told myself, TUESDAY IS THE PERFECT TYME to wear my favorite cologne . . . FUEGO RON!

THIS COLOGNE IS MAGIC TO WOMEN! The box says it’s made of something called "essence of mammoth", SAE30 motor oil, and microfibers from an 83 LeBaron!

I don’t know if it was the “HULA PATROL” tank I was wearing or the FUEGO RON, but I felt like Alice was generally, VERY IMPRESSED!

She really makes me a better person through her suggestions. I have so much confidence!


TJ said...

Wow, Michel! Thanks for reminding me! I have to go buy a Mr. Bubble t-shirt now.

Jootastic said...

My boyfriend has a French cologne... it's also very very manly. I call it "Panty Dropper."